Enhanced SoGEA tester with fibre

Argus 163-SO

  • SoGEA, SoGFast and SoTAP tester in a single package
  • Integrated VDSL, GFast and ADSL provides cover for all services that are delivered over copper circuits
  • Includes additional SFP slot to provide testing for FTTx services (native Ethernet, GPON, Power Meter and OTDR)
  • IP Throughput tests verify quality of experience with integrated HTTP, FTP and Ookla speed tests
  • Versatile expansion possibilities include; TDR, DMM as well as WiFi and 4G/LTE.


The ARGUS 163-SO is the ideal tool for fast, intuitive testing and verification of all SoGEA, SoGFast and SoTAP lines whilst also providing the ability to perform fibre testing via its integrated SFP slot.

The Argus 163-SO augments our range of Openreach Testers by adding the capability to test fibre infrastructure too. By utilising an industry standard SFP slot the Argus 163-SO can provide testing for point-to-point Gigabit Ethernet as well as GPON services. An optical power meter and OTDR can also be provided through this same interface.


The Argus 163-SO is the all in one solution when it comes to testing both xDSL and fibre networks. Its compact size and robust construction enable comprehensive test and analysis of  G.Fast, VDSL2, ADSL2+ and Gigabit Ethernet without any module changes.  Additional features can be enabled at a later date to provide a suite of fibre tests that include GPON, OPM and OTDR.

Speed up fault rectification

Carrier class tests make it easy to identify the precise nature of faults and where they originate from.  Comprehensive recording of CRC errors, Forward Correction,  Signal to Noise ratio,  Loop Attenuation and the individual Tones assist in communicating any issues to the backbone network provider.  A line scope provides an easy to use visual indication of the presence of line noise.

Service Quality Checks

Tests are available at both the physical and  service layers.  HTTP, FTP and Ookla provide industry standard benchmarks of IP performance.  VOIP functionality includes quality testing and also the ability to make voice calls using the tester as a handset.

Versatile expansion possibilities also include e. g. TDR, DMM  for copper circuits  as well as WLAN and LTE in wireless.

Technical Notes

What are SoGEA, SoGFast and SoTAP?

BT's PSTN network is now scheduled to be switched off in January 2027. As part of the switchover to digital telephony services, BT Openreach are offering the following services where fibre to the premises is not available. None of these services include analogue voice. All these technologies are part of Openreach's strategy to move towards a fully digital...

Ordering Information

Order Code Description
IN-Argus163-SO Enhanced SoGEA tester with fibre

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